Thursday, July 26, 2012

The New Era of Hired Help

Let Us Help You....

Excerpt from Sky Magazine June 2012 p. 73

"Today it's possible to pay someone to take on seemingly any task that you don't want or prefer not to do yourself."

"This working couple's turn to outsourcing personal tasks illustrates a larger trend of everyday Americans unloading duties that they have historically done themselves- relying on services that were once relegated to the rich. Today it's possible to pay someone to take on seemingly any task that you don't want or prefer not to do yourself: There are people who specialize in ironing, others who will assemble the coffee table you bought from IKEA and still others who will wait for the cable guy on your behalf, buy and place flowers on a loved one's grave, plan a party for your 7-year-old or make a weekly run to the dry cleaners.
In her books All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending and 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, author Laura Vanderkam is an advocate of using outsourcing services, which she says liberate us to spend time earning more money and enjoying our free time on things that matter most to us. "Between two-career families and people raising children on their own, we're very busy these days," Vanderkam says. "Because of that, we like to spend the free time we do have on the things that are most important to us. That might mean nurturing ourselves, our relationships or our careers. That doing loads of laundry is not time spent eryoyably is one of the key drivers of this trend."